Finally, on Dec 12th, Chris was ready for the bone marrow transplant. His brother Jonathan was a perfect match, a 6 out of 6.
Chris was quite tired, sore and anxious at this time.
Too close to Christmas for his liking.
I was proud of both my boys. They took everything fairly bravely considering the ages.

Thank God for His provision in all of this.
Here are some misc. pictures after Chris's BMT, on Christmas Day Dec 25th 1995.
If you notice the way his lips are pursed, that is a direct result of chemotherapy and radiation. It produces mouth sores and Chris was very tired and uncomfortable at this point in time.
We only stayed a few hours with him for Christmas Day. It was very hard to leave him, but he just slept the rest of the day anyway, and our other two kids needed a "normal" Christmas.
The next page is pictures of Jonathan (brother) donating his bone marrow for Chris's second bone marrow transplant after he relapsed in June of 1998.
I gratefully acknowledge the Graphic Garden as the one who supplied
these wonderful graphics. Special blessings upon you!
Please visit her site by clicking on the graphic below.